In Pursuance of Hon'ble Supreme Court of India orders and in compliance of instruction/guidelines issued vide DPE OM No. DPE/15(4)/98-(GL-004)/GM dated 29th May 1998 on the above subject , a complaint committe on sexual harassment of women at work place is re-constituted in R&C to deal with the complaints on sexual harassment vide letter No. _________________ dated ________. The details of the committee member are as under:
1. Mr. Sanjay Kumar Ojha - Chair Person
2. Mr. Chandrakant N. Sawant - Member
3. Mrs. Pooja Shirodkar - Member
4. Mrs. Kavita Ramwani - Member
Further , the complaint committee will meet once in a month to consider the complaint on sexual harassment against women at work place received, if any. The complaint in this regard may be addressed to Mr. Sanjay Kumar Ojha, C.F.O. (HO), Richardson & Cruddas (1972) Ltd., Sir JJ Road, Byculla, Mumbai 400008.